Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Haitian sensation... and DR Congo update.

Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
shaking off the dust...
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Estonia the land of beer and meat.

Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nepal travels
Hello Beautiful people
Hope and pray that you are doing well. I can almost say I am doing well also but still working the kinks out from a little sickness. Forgive me again for not posting more of what the Moose has going on. The last week has been an interesting journey. I have traveled a little bit of Nepal countryside. Well I would call it mountainside. But that’s me. I have battled to the almost death with vomiting and diarrhea. Bad enough it would make the Pope cuss. But it is slowly passing. My time in the word has been great, and just sitting and listening to what the Lord is doing in my heart and what the heck I have just done over the last year in Congo. This sickness has definitely put an unfortunate negative for now in my mind of Nepal, but again this is something that most people deal with everyday and my number was called. Lucky me. Just too bad it wasn’t a cakewalk. Man I love cakewalks. I won one once. Ok sorry, but I have been capturing everything you could think of; from little puppies to fat Buddha temples, and huge Himalayan mountains. This is an unbelievably beautiful country. It is still a little strange to see so many white people. I know that sounds weird, but in Congo seeing white folks was a little strange at times and I would try not to stare. But I just wanted to give you a quick update of what I have been looking at for the last few days, well I will spare you pictures of the toilet but before I was sick, I would like to share that with you. But thanks for the healing prayers, they worked and are still working.
I am looking forward to a great homecoming and seeing family and friends.
You guys rock, thanks for the support on my epic journey. Blessings on your heads.
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 4:07 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
Nepal 1st day...
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Beni, Butembo, Bunia, Entebbe, Addis Ababa, Frankfurt, Mumbi, and finally Nepal.
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 7:28 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Still working on a large puzzle. But I am making a dent.
My parents have come to the DR Congo. It was so amazing to see them and for them to see how God has been working in my life for the last 10 months. I was praising God for how blessed I am to have parents that are willing to come and see me, I think for my family I assumed that they would come at some point, just because that is how us Haun family rolls. But I am so fortunate to have a loving family that cares and supports me.
Along with my parents the Forest Hill team had a great time, it was a very productive and fun trip. I was able to see Gods hand at work with this team. I saw how they helped change people lives by being here speaking truth and just spending time with them. I think mostly everyone had the opportunity to share something about themselves or what is going on personally with them. And in this culture that is more than appropriate. They definitely made a dent.
The last few months I have read through some great books. Which is different for me to be saying. I have ready Tony Dungy’s book Quiet Strength, The Great Divorce by: C.S. Lewis, Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson twice! Victor Hugo’s Les Misérable, Donald Millers new book, A million miles in a thousand years. Great book by the way I will come back to that. And currently reading another Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Having grown up in a storytelling family I love stories that the underdog becomes a hero and is successful for something he or she does. And also overcoming a difficult situation or time where the character is stretched beyond what they think they can handle.
In Donald Millers book this is talked about a little bit, and by a little bit I mean most of the book. Our story is something that gets us to an appreciative state of God and heaven. We are meant to live a life of hard choices and difficult times because ultimately it helps define who we are and we realize how great God is. We see the little details in our life that come together like a beautiful mosaic that is masterful piece of art. Nothing can match its beauty on this Earth only the Heavenly father. Our stories are meant to Glorify God and tell others that this is something special about a life with Christ. Start doing things that make life more memorable. Make decisions that are going to be difficult because it will produce fruit. Life is short but it is also eternal. I say this because we are here on earth to practice and try to do what we are meant to do in Heaven. I want to make a dent. I want people to notice Christ in me wherever I go. I want to spend time with people that can help change my life, and help me become more like Christ. I want fruit.
I know that this is something we all desire and we are sometimes caught by a wave of sadness, but that sorrow is a major building block that helps us move at a little different pace of life and Examine our motives and attitudes. My daily devotional Steams in The Desert said; “ It opens within us the capacities of the heavenly life, and it makes us willing to set our capacities afloat on a limitless sea of service for God and for others. God never uses anyone to a great degree until He breaks the person completely. It takes sorrow to expand and deepen the soul.”
So that is what I am thinking about as of late. I am also starting to think and ponder about my time ending here and going to Nepal and then back state side. God is still doing and will always be doing amazing thing here and I have been blessed to be a part of it. I hope and pray everyone is doing well.
P E A C E from the M O O S E
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 4:43 AM 1 comments