A cool shot in one of the many Huge churches in Budapest.
I like low textured photos. i know, weird.
This was an amazing sunset while we were cruising on the Danube.

The Parliament at night.
Lions guarding the entrance to Castle Hill.

Castle Hill at night

One of nine bridges that cross the Danube, this one is called the Chain bridge.
An amazing Bath house, many of these were spread out through all of Budapest.
One of many monuments in Hero Square

Hanging out at Lake Victoria the Largest Lake in Africa.

The Roads of Uganda are no match to the Roads in Beni. So nice to be on real roads

Trying to be artistic and enjoying the 8 hour car ride to Kampala and Entebbe.
This was such an amazing trip. I have hundreds more photos if you want to see them on Facebook. But Thanks for your support and help, God provided and I was able to go and enjoy this time. His timing is perfect, it was a great get-away and a time to recharge, mentally, spiritually, i wish i could say physically. But it was worth it. I am pretty sure i walked over 50 miles or more while I was there. It was great to see other UWM teams from all over, 17 different countries were represented. We had some amazing prayer time for our fields and for the families that are involved.
But just a quick update on The M O O S E , now that I am back i am giving my exam. I have one student that is taking it today because she is leaving to get married. The rest of my students are taking it tomorrow morning. Pray that they will not be tempted to cheat and do it on their own. My heart is doing well. God is giving me Peace and is blessing me more than i deserve but I guess that is how it goes. I will be teaching some english classes and I think a frisbee class. Pretty excited about that. I pray that the next few months here are a time for me to grow in areas that God is talking to me about and really hear from him.
Some of you might know that Forest Hill church is going to be sending a team here in October. I am very excited about this, not just because My home church is sending a team but my parents are going to be on the trip as well and I am excited for them to see what i have been doing and to see my life for this year. I would love for you to pray that everything comes together and gets worked out. I know there is a substantial amount of money that has to be raised to bring the whole team here. I know they are sending out letters of support and prayers. So if you know of anyone that is interested in supporting a short term mission trip to the DR Congo. Let me know and i can get you in touch with the right people. But I know that if they are supposed to come God will provide like he always does.
Things you can be praying for:
- Brandon Holmes, my buddy he is still in the states raising support and getting things ready to come. He will be joining the October team from Forest Hill and staying here a year as well and teaching economics and business stuff.( i will find out exactly what he is doing at some point)
- My family, Yesterday was my youngest nieces birthday and next week is my brother-in-laws birthday. and for my parents as they are raising support to come here and see what God is doing. My brother is still working unbelievably hard and that God can bless him for his servants heart and hard work.
- My head and mind and that God is working in me and i can work hard and do what God has called me to do. and to do it with a happy heart because I am not doing it for man but for God. (at times it is easy to forget that.)
Thanks for the amazing prayers and support as always, my prayer to you is that God is blessing your families and giving you peace. Go read psalm 105:1-5, and Zeph: 3:17 some great verses that i am really trying to understand and believe.
Also just a quick note from the devotional i am reading:
when a shipbuilder erects a boat does he do so only to keep it on the scaffolding? No, He builds it to sail the seas and to weather the storms. In the same way, when God made you a believer, He meant to test you. And He gave you promises and asked you to trust them, He made His promises suitable for times of storms and high seas. Do you believe that some of His promises are Counterfeit. His word of promise is meant to be tried and tested. There is nothing Christ dislikes more than for his people to publicly profess Him and then not use Him. He loves for us to make use of HIm, for His covenant blessings are not simply meant to be looked at but should be appropriated. Our Lord Jesus has been given to us for our present use. Are you making use of Him as you should?
God has promised us a lot and it is amazing to see that promise/promises come true. and to be blessed by that. I am really trying to understand what that really means. It is a lot for me to swallow. God is perfect in His time and I will understand when I need to.
K thanks for being a great support team.
P E A C E from the M O O S E