So here are a few shots of what is happen around here. I have been enjoying some rest before the next semester of classes start, i have been running, working out have great fellowship with students and learning so much. It is Crazy to think that i have now hit my six month mark. well i have on my visa, I am currently getting a new one. But it does mark the longest I have ever been our of the country. Well honestly i hit that mark after 17 days of being here. hahaha But some would consider Boone, NC to be a different country at times. So here are a few shots, more will come soon. I am going to try and load as many as I can.
Doesn't look like much right now, but this building will add sixteen more classrooms and a radio station and eventually a amphitheater that will seat 1600.
God really does favor us at times. well always but sometimes we are paying attention, These are the Rwenzori Mountains that we share with Uganda. The Sokomutu (Gorillas) live close to these. I love that I get to wake up and see the mountains even here in Congo.
The construction is a breathing growing organism. This is going to be the welcome center.
I love the detail on the outer edge that my camera picked up.
You know the moons made out of cheese. haha that is all i could think as i took this one.
The Queens of Africa... I don't know how they do it but i am pretty sure if women of Congo stopped doing what they do, life would stop here in Beni.

I see this little guy everyday that I walk into school. Always smiling. This day he was walking to get water.

This is one of the side roads coming from Matongé, it is a market where we get the obscure things such as Peanut butter, and cokes, and a few other tasty treats.

This was in a church this little girl was pondering while looking out the widow. I snapped this before she noticed me, after that the window wasn't as cool as the Muzungu (white guy) sitting behind her.
So thanks for the continued amazing support and prayers. Jesus is alive and well in DR Congo and I am doing very well. Tomorrow I start teaching English classes. I am helping teach conversation English. oh my favorite part watching movies in English so the students can start to understand different speeds and accents. My heart is doing well. People are starting to return from the states and students are coming back into town. I hope and pray that everyone is doing well.
Prayer request:
- UCBC, staff, students and teachers.
- For safety of everyone return for the next semester.
- My boss Kevin Mason and Brandon Holmes are coming in this month, on the 23rd. Pray that it can be a a smooth transition for Brandon, and continue to lift him up.
- Beni, DRC. This place is changing rapidly, pray that the right government officials are put in place and that the corruption that is here starts to move away or end.
- and you can pray for my head as I start teaching and doing some more videos for UCBC. and the strength to keep loving people, no matter what.