Hello family and friends.
Hope all are doing well.
Here is a little update of my adventures in Uganda.
kampala was amazing, I had lost my ability to make decisions coming from 8 months in Beni to a huge town like Kampala.
But I got some delicious ice cream, food and some much need pool time.
K enjoy the photos and video.

at this point they said they had it contained... hmmm

watching people walk around like nothing was going on was entertaining, (don't mind the huge flames of death behind you.)

(Ralph Laurn?)
Brandon and his faces, and his mustache is gone as well.

I know don't judge me, it is gone now as you can see above.
This is the pool overlooking Cassio lodge in Kampala.
Ok so I know that i had a ridiculous mustache, It is gone now to the joy of many others
But where and world can you grow a mustache and not be judged?
Exactly! I knew you would see it my way...
But seriously all i could do was laugh about the fire. No one was hurt, just another day in Africa.
I am doing well. classes are underway again for me and going well.
I just gave another assignment for my students and this time they are doing a skit/ sketch of around the house and we had a role reversal. This should be interesting. Most of the students are not too sure about it but i can't wait to see.
As some of you know here the roles for women and men are very different.
I believe that it is important to change the stigma behind that. Not that this assignment will, but also to hopefully change the perception of some students, for the better.
Things you can pray for:
- For students and staff
- The Forest Hill Church team coming in January
- The Town of Beni, and for corruption to end
- And for the Fruits of the spirit
Thanks for the support and prayers always.
P E A C E from the M O O S E