This place is really amazing. the people are beautiful and very friendly, the views everywhere are breath taking. (I know, given)
The food is crazy good, These are some photos that i just snapped quickly but I will put some other great ones up and a video of the food I had today.
I will be traveling in to a smaller town this next week called Pokhera that has an amazing view of the Himalayas, and the following week I am going to be traveling the the closest road that you can get to Everest and the walking about two hours to another village.
I am super Excited. The Big guy is doing some great stuff here. Glad i could see it with my own eyes.
um and just a cool little bit of information. Sunday here a holiday called Holi is starting, this is the coolest holiday i have heard of, of course not as cool as Christmas and the birth of a baby. But it is a huge water balloon and water fight day that happens everywhere. People throw water balloons from their high lofty apartments on unsuspecting passers. I am super excited to get in a water balloon fight in Nepal, I mean it is contextualization... DUH!
K more info and updates coming soon.
PEACE from the MOOSE