taking it a day at a time
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Hello Beautiful people
Hope and pray that you are doing well. I can almost say I am doing well also but still working the kinks out from a little sickness. Forgive me again for not posting more of what the Moose has going on. The last week has been an interesting journey. I have traveled a little bit of Nepal countryside. Well I would call it mountainside. But that’s me. I have battled to the almost death with vomiting and diarrhea. Bad enough it would make the Pope cuss. But it is slowly passing. My time in the word has been great, and just sitting and listening to what the Lord is doing in my heart and what the heck I have just done over the last year in Congo. This sickness has definitely put an unfortunate negative for now in my mind of Nepal, but again this is something that most people deal with everyday and my number was called. Lucky me. Just too bad it wasn’t a cakewalk. Man I love cakewalks. I won one once. Ok sorry, but I have been capturing everything you could think of; from little puppies to fat Buddha temples, and huge Himalayan mountains. This is an unbelievably beautiful country. It is still a little strange to see so many white people. I know that sounds weird, but in Congo seeing white folks was a little strange at times and I would try not to stare. But I just wanted to give you a quick update of what I have been looking at for the last few days, well I will spare you pictures of the toilet but before I was sick, I would like to share that with you. But thanks for the healing prayers, they worked and are still working.
I am looking forward to a great homecoming and seeing family and friends.
You guys rock, thanks for the support on my epic journey. Blessings on your heads.
Posted by Grant "moose" Haun at 4:07 AM 1 comments