Hey folks
Blessings on you all
I have recently traveled to Haiti to see some land that has been purchased for an organization called "A New Haiti."
They are training pastors, and creating community for pastors and families to come together and help rebuild Haiti.
They have 9 acres located in Tut Onun just outside of Port au Prince, also in vicinity of Mission of Hope. The idea is to build structures that are hurricane and earthquake proof for families to live in, they will have different building that can function as dormitories, worship halls, schools, admin buildings you name it they can make it, basically a small town. They are already partnering with a pastoral program that will feed this vision "A New Haiti." The main focus is to pour back into the national pastors and helping them communicate clearly to their fellow Haitians the God is their Father, and what that looks like to have a father that loves you in a land that has over 800,000 orphans.
Pictures will come later.
But the people are hardened, i'm sure due to the fact of being promised a lot and receiving very little. To add on top of that Cap Haitian is breaking out more and more everyday with Cholera, and the Haitians are fighting the relief from the UN. It is hard to explain what it feels like to be there and see what is happening and not really being able to make a dent.
Strangely familiar with what I had experienced in Congo.
But there is so much hope still there.
It was strange for me to see the similarities of the Haitians and Africa.
same story of poverty, hate, corruption, and the need for the Gospel truth. But there is still so much hope.
On the flight down it was amazing to hear how many people were believers and on a mission to help heal Haiti, both good and bad.

so what is happening in the DR Congo...
here is a Q & A from BBC:
It is amazing how this country is being torn apart by its own people makes my heart sad.
UCBC is doing well, new students are doing really well. life is moving ahead in Beni, and big things are still happening. I know God is writing some amazing stories there and can't wait to see how he is going to use them to change the status quo of DR Congo.
On a more personal note, I am doing well. Life for me is moving ahead, my plate has been full in a great way, a lot of projects in my lap, trying to figure out what I am really passionate about and run after that. I know that I have a passion for people, relationships but I don't think it would be to acceptable to just start running after everyone i see. Also have a passion for giving. I love being blessed with something and giving it back to God. Really is rewarding for me.
So however I can mesh those things together = dream Job!
Until then I am listening and being patient.
Hope and pray you are well.