Now that i am settled in a little more here at CIT things are starting to take shape, classes are making more sense of why i need to take them, Jesus is teaching me a lot already and i know it is going to be a lot more soon, in a good way.
A lot of really awesome families are here, all of them are going to some amazing places. such as...
- Thailand
- Japan
- Germany
- Estonia
- Uruguay
- Peru
- Sudan
- Kenya
- DR Congo
- France
- Nepal
- Spain
I have been reading a lot which is difficult for me but i know it is something that I have to do. I am telling my self that i have to push my self in order to gains something from this. I am also having to work on my thoughts about what I'm reading and know that it will benefit me, and i have to look at it positively.
So things are going well, enjoying my time here. Making people laugh... DUH! and understanding this call that God has put on my heart. A thought that has been coming to my head and heart a lot lately has been about being put in the fire(forge) and folded and pounded on over and over and over again, a lot like Proverbs 27:17 as Iron sharpens Iron as one man Sharpens another... I am being put in the fire and getting to that white hot heat and then hammered on by God and people around me and his word. It is difficult but i know that it is making me stronger, That is also why I love being a blacksmith, these things just make more sense...
I don't think that i will be dipped into the water yet to cool off i am still simmering in the heat of the word and the teachers here. But the cooling off processes is a very important step in being forged... it helps cure the metal and keeps it from burning away. Or as we call it getting burnt-out.
It is awesome to have your mind being consumed with Jesus and the people your going to be helping once your in the field continuously (that is what it is like here), but the sad thing is, it is difficult for us to get to that point. For me i needed that kick in the pants to get there. when it should be something that is easy to do, but satan and the world around us likes us not to think one track and forget about somethings around us for a bit that just take up space for Jesus.

The Book or books I am reading are interesting, Ministering Cross-Culturally 2nd edition which I am in now, and the other that i haven't started yet is Cross-Cultural Connections.
Here is a little blip from Ministering Cross-Culturally:

If we are to follow the example of Christ , we must aim at incarnation! Jesus said, "if anyone would came after me, he must deny himself" (matt. 16:24). These acts of self-denial are in fact the first steps of freedom in Christ. We must consciously release our attachments to home, income, security, convenience, significance in work or ministry, and even comfort of family.
It is freeing and amazing to see this work. God really is alive here and present at this little place.
Things you can be praying for:
- my time here at CIT, that my ears are open to something new and different.
- the other families that are here with kids that they can stay sane, and focused on things.
- My good buddy Brandon Holmes that his support will come in quickly and fast. and starting to prepare his heart for service.
- My heart, and my pride.
- also the attitudes with people here just so no animosity is building between people.
Thanks I love you all.
PEACE from the M O O S E!
proud of you, buddy! :)
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