Monday, June 1, 2009

Hi people of the world.

Hello beautiful people. 

Sorry for not updating as much as you would like. and I would like.  I wanted to share just a little of what is going on here and this upcoming month. It is hard to believe that it is already June.  Really the time here is flying by. But this month is going to be busy, in a great way. The Kasali's are coming back form their trip to the states. And another person (muzungu){that is a white person} is coming here from Goma to help with the Women's center.  The 16th or so a couple of guys are coming from UNC Chapel Hill to work and volunteer here for about 6 or 7 weeks. and just Before them a construction team is coming to help put a roof on the new building that is being built in unbelievable speed.  So great things are ahead in the month of June.  
Swahili classes are going really well, i am starting to understand most conversations that as somewhat slow.  It is very exciting. But I also wanted to tell you how amazing God is. I know some of you know that my camera (still Photo) was stolen. It might have happened at the University but really i have no idea. But God is amazing and in providing the tools that i need some amazing supporters heard about this and wanted to help.  I now have a Camera that is on its way here via the Kasali's and that way I can show you more of what is going on. So Not that i need to explain why you were not getting pictures but I just thought you should know that God provides when we least expect it.  

I know a few of you know the story that happened the other day while i was driving through Beni, but It is just too good not to share again.  It is a crazy small world here in Beni, DR Congo believe it or not. But I would love to know how certain things get here.  I saw a man walking that had on his head an Appalachian State University Hat, I mean i have seen the big normal schools that you would expect. But for APP STATE to be in Congo just blows my mind.  You will see the occasional brett number 4 floating around and some other big American Footballs jerseys, but you see all kinds Baseball, NHL, NBA, it just amazes me how things get here.  But I was happy and sad at the same time when i saw the App State hat cause i was happy to see it but sad to think i was not the first of a representatives of App State.  I have a look out with my video camera ready so i can ask the guy where and when and if he even knows what he is wearing. 

So I did finish Wild Goose Chase and it was great, I have been passing it around the house and people here have had a similar reaction in loving it. So I do hope that you have treated your self to a good read and bought it. I am about ready to read it again. But right now I am reading a book called Tribes.  It is a smaller book that is just about how we as humans gravitate towards some sort of tribe, we want to belong to something that is bigger than ourselves. It talks about people in History that are tribe leaders and how they had a vision and a God sized dream and went out and fulfilled that.  My Dad says that our family is a tribe family, I guess he was saying that we go to a different beat of a drum than most. But if you know us Haun's you probably already know that.  

I wish I had some thing else to tell you for right now but, God doing what he is doing and blessing this place in the Congo is sufficient enough for me right now.  I do hope to have a post of just pictures and on Facebook to get some things out that you just have to see. Hopefully one day in person.  But Thanks for the support and prayers. God is really working in my heart and I am tuning my ears to listen to him. The people that I am surrounded by here are great, the staff of UCBC is really an encouragement, I am very excited for the return of Dr. David Kasali so i can pick his brain and understand the heart and vision of this man. 

As for Prayers for the MOOSE:

  • Continue to lift up my good buddy Brandon, he is at CIT and is loving it. God is speaking to his heart and is preparing him for an amazing road. 
  • Pray for the travelers and visitors that are coming in this month, for safety and great time here.
  • Pray for my heart as I am learning how to do things differently and really trying to be fully reliant on God all the time. I want to think no matter what " it is ok God is in Control" I am loving life here. so what ever you all are praying is working wonders.
  • I have some friends that are traveling in Africa now. they are Charissa, anna, ashley, Brittany, and anna. 4 of them are in Kampala, Uganda serving for some time at a place that helps children and young women, called Empower a Child Mission, you can check it out here.
  • and the other one is in Malawi, she is working with an orphanage there that is really changing people and kids.  Pray for health and safety and works to have spoken through her. 
  • The University is going well students are about to start preparing for exams, and then a break for summer. Pray that everything here gets taken care of with finances and this place is really blessed. 

I hope that you are finding time to stop and just be quiet and listen to what you might be missing.  as of recently I have been getting very excited and overjoyed with the thought of the God of the Universe is really caring about me. I am amazed every time i spend time and the feeling that mack talks about in the shack about when Sariyu is singing and he is overjoyed and feels it in his body, that is what I am feeling at times here.  I do hope and pray things are well. I will be sure to update you went I get some new pictures with the new camera. Blessings. 

P E A C E from the M O O S E