Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The 4th of July on the 5th of July and no boom boom

Hey Beautiful people,

Just a quick note from the moose. Things are going well, It is really hard for me to see how it is July already and have been here in Africa for three months. The time really is flying by, I have been busy working on my class, and trying to put together profiles of all the students with head shots. I think the plan for that is to have them put up on the website and be able to see all the students and put a face to their name.

So this past 4th of july was interesting. I didn't realize how much I love the 4th and what fun and great family time it is. So what did i do on the 4th, well nothing really. I tried to explain to some of the students that the 4th of July is the same as the 30 of June for them, which is their Independence day, this was their 49th one. But all the American citizens do try and get together. The Embassy in Kinshasa had a big Celebration but being that it is 13 hours or more away by car for me I don't think i could have made it. But on the 5th of July we were able to have a great cookout with great food, with my buddies Justin and Zac we had the duty of cooking all the meat. We had beef and pork and it was soo good, maybe just because we cooked it our selves and the smell of grilling made us all think about being home and grilling with the family and maybe having an adult beverage. But that wasn't the case here, we drank orange Fanta instead which is more then good enough for me. The rest of the food that was prepared by mama Kasali she made some potato salad and some really good rice and green peas, not what you would imagine to be 4th of July food but for here it was PERFECT. I did miss the fireworks and watermelon, Hotdogs, and mac and cheese. I think if we had fireworks here the Congolese would have thought they were under attack. At least that is how Dr. Kasali explained it to me, I think his words were "people would be running around thinking they are under attack and on fire. It would be bad... ohhh bad." But we had a great time and played some games and just hung out with the american peeps sharing stories of previous shows we had see and how amazing they were and almost being blown up by a low firework and the smell of the black powder and sulfur. I am realizing that me being here a year is going to be strange for the holidays that I take for granted. Like the 4th and the long list of others. mothers day, fathers day, (thank you Hallmark) Easter, Christmas, new years, and my birthday. But I think i will be In Budapest Hungary for my birthday this year. I know right not too bad huh?

But I am thankful for all my experiences here. I know God is teaching me a lot, I can't see what the whole picture is yet but I am totally ok with that. It is allowing me to be fully reliant on the Lord and know that yeah those holidays are nice and full of joy but where does all that Joy come from, he says "IT COMES FROM ME" so as much as i miss those things I am here and having a different kind of Joy that is really filling me up on the inside and mending my heart, mind and soul.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day that was soo good for me to have, and hear from the lord through someone else. I am here to be a learner and to hear from the Lord in a way that is different and fresh, and to experience pain and sorrow and hurt that is all around us. Also to get dirty and do something with my life. It is no accident that things happen, we meet someone we go somewhere. At times things may seem to be going all wrong, but God knows our circumstances better than we do. And HE WILL work at the perfect moment, if we will completely trust Him to do it his own way and own time. And when ever my time is done here, it will be difficult to re-enter into a culture that, yes is different but unique in every way possible. God will make our obstacles serve His purpose, and those obstacles or mountains, people or things that threaten to block us in our spiritual growth only cause us to search and grow stronger. We might not understand that at first but one day you will be sitting thinking and realize you are so much better off with the hard times you went through cause you will see how God used it in your life.

It is easy for me to think that I am inadequate here, or not good enough to teach, but then i realize that i need to be praying for power equal to my tasks, God will equip me with what I ask. makes me think of a verse that my sister goes too a lot and I have been thinking about, But Matthew 7:7-8 ASK, SEEK, KNOCK. Go read it a few times.

But really THE M O O S E is L O O S E in A F R I C A and things are going really well.
Things that are coming up for me that you can be praying about...
  • I leave the 26th or 27th for Uganda and then to Budapest for the Afro Euro Conference.
  • I have only a few weeks left of teaching I am working on another quiz and preparing my exam for the final.
  • Brandon my room mate and good buddy is going to be coming back with us after the conference in Hungary.
  • You can pray for Bethany who is the assistant to Dr. Kasali and Justin who is also on staff here have both gone back to the states for a while to regroup and look for some more funds.
  • You can keep praying for me and my time here that God shows and reveals himself to me daily.
  • and for my impact here.

Thanks for being supportive and your prayers I really do appreciate the sacrifice, oh and also pray for the team that is going to be coming in October from Forest Hill. I pray that it is a productive trip, and safe. K well until next time.
P E A C E from the M O O S E


Unknown said...

Hey Grant!

Thanks for sharing your experience, strength and hope us. I could not agree more that I am better off for the trials I have gone through in life and indeed count them as my greatest blessings. God know's what He's doing, huh!?

I'm sure that holiday's must make you homesick and miss even more of your sweet mama's cooking! I'll remember to pray for you especially on those days :)

May God continue to enrich and enlighten you and He uses you in Africa Grant, may you continue to be blessed from the inside out...and to be a blessing.


The Peerys