My buddy Brandon has safely arrived.

Dr. Kasali on Opening day at UCBC.
Our New flag the waves fiercely in the Congo Wind.
It is standing tall on top of our new welcome Center.
I am sorry for it being a month since I have posted last.
Things are going well, Classes are underway and starting well.
I am going to be teaching a Conversation class, I am not sure of details of my communication course yet but I believe that will be happening again.
UCBC staff is returning and making the staff room a little more full. It does do my heart good, Most of you know me very well and know that I like being around a lot of people.
Our home which we call Nyumba ya Amani (House of Peace) is filling up and is filled with more laughter and happiness. Community is building, and God is working in me. He is doing great things.
I will be Honest, I am in a low patch right now. I have a lot on my plate and I know that I have to trust God even more when it gets to that point. You can be praying for my head and heart and that I can continue to shine for Christ no matter what.
I would definitely say that I am in a refining period. God is sticking me in flames, the white hot heat (for all those blacksmiths). I love the definition of Refining it is simple:
To Remove Impurities or unwanted elements.
I so need that and my human nature wants to run away and not look at my self and challenge my self with what God is putting in my path. It is a difficult thing to do. But I know it is of God and it is going to make me a better man, brother, friend and someday a husband and father.
well that is Grant Michael Haun being transparent. I think it also helps me to do write this too you so you know how to better pray for me. God is doing big things and I need to run to him and not away from him daily. I sometimes think it is a sprint, but I need to think more of a cross country race.
I hope and pray that everyone is being blessed daily.
I am really being stretched and I am so excited to know that God is developing me.
Other things you can be praying for:
- UCBC staff, right teachers, enough teachers
- Clear communication
- Community for staff and students
- Continual support and fund raising for Student scholarships
- For the Fruits of the Spirit to grow in this rice Congo setting
Thanks for being a great support team
Much love
M O O S E in A F R I C A
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