I met a man named Paluku. God is so alive in this one man it is quite possible for him to change the whole of Congo. Most would pass this man and think he is just a crippled man that is handicapped to the point of the inability to speak or think. Looking upon this person would be difficult for many. He travels around with a walking stick and crippled gander that is humbling for others to see. His sandals are barely hanging on to his disfigured feet and are covered in dust. At first my heart hurt for this man because I had little idea of his story and felt bad for a man in his condition in the DR Congo. This man made me desire the gift of healing so I could help him to live a more “normal” life not confined to a crippled life style or impeded speech. But me, of little knowledge and faith, wanted to take something away that was ultimately defining this man’s spirit. The first few interactions with this man I would be praying for healing, and for his mouth to work and feet to function like a “normal” person. But Normalcy is what God is trying to get rid in us. He doesn’t want normal people who do normal things he wants us to be different, like Paluku. I usually catch him standing on the corner of one of the streets down from my home, waiting on someone or something. Conversation with him was and is still difficult, he is speaking Swahili and I know very little and with his speech impediment makes it all that more difficult to decipher. I do try to make a point every time I see him to spend some time with him and just love on him like Christ would. My heart still pulls hard on him, and in my mind, he makes me just want to fix him or ease his pain.
I had seen him sitting from time to time at Dr. Kasali’s home. They would sit and talk with him and give him water to take back home. So this man that I think needs my prayers and time was walking home from in town he was about 2 miles from his home, and is picked up by Mama Kasali. I learned in that conversation where he was coming from. He was returning from a daily prayer meeting. He is a Prayer Warrior. This man goes everyday to have intercessory prayer for those he loves, knows, and those he doesn’t even know, but the Holy Spirit put on his heart. When I heard this I started to tear up. Not knowing that this man all those times I was with him was really praying for and spending time with me and praying for healing. He told mama Kasali that the reason he is an intercessory prayer warrior is because he is handicapped, it is the only thing that he knows he can do well. He said that God didn’t bless him with legs that function right or a mouth that says what he wants. But He said God blessed him with a heart for others and prayer. I also learned that Paluku cannot read, and is currently looking for someone to teach him how to read so he can read the bible. He is on fire for the Lord and can’t even read His Word. This man has a heart of gold, and is on the front line of the spiritual battle.I now wish that I could have the faith and determination of this man. His unique situation and handicapped body is what made him into the man God wanted. I still hang out with this man and just sit with him when I can. I get the biggest smile on my face when I see him. It does my heart good to be with this man. He looks like an idiot to the world but in actuality the idiots are the ones that feel sorry for this man. He is the richest in the Kingdom of God. I have been honored to spend time and get to know this man of God. I met a man of God named Paluku.
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